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Site Council

SSC Meeting Dates 2023-2024

Meeting #1 Monday, 9/11 @ 3pm

Agenda SSC 9-11-23

Meeting #2 Monday, 10/23 @3pm







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School Site Council

The School Site Council (SSC) is a school community’s representative body, made up of school staff, parents/community members, and at the secondary level, students. The primary responsibility of the SSC is to participate in the development and monitoring of the Single Plan for Student Achievement/Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), evaluate the effectiveness of programs, monitor the use of supplemental funding available to the school site, seek input from school advisory committees, and reaffirm or revise school goals. The School Site Council oversees improvement funds that are used to enhance the academics and social development of students at Valhalla. Valhalla has ten School Site Council members, each elected for two years. Mrs. Lisa Keck, Principal, serves as the facilitator and secretary.

SSC Meeting Agendas and Minutes

The School Site Council meets on Tuesday afternoons once a month (except December and June) between 3:00-4:00 PM. Other meetings may be scheduled if needed.

 SSC Agendas & Minutes 2021-2022

SSC Agendas & Minutes 2020-2021

SSC Agendas & Minutes 2019-2020

SSC Agendas & Minutes 2018-2019

SSC Agendas & Minutes 2016-2017

SSC Agendas & Minutes 2015-2016

 SSC Agendas & Minutes 2014-2015

Other SSC Items

Valhalla Budget - 21-22.pdf (PDF)

Valhalla Budget - 21-22 REVISED.pdf (PDF)

MDUSD 2021-2024 LCAP.pdf (PDF)

Nomination form 21-22.docx (DOCX)

Nomination form 21-22 community.docx (DOCX)

SSC Meeting dates 2021-22.docx (DOCX)

Current SSC Membership

Staff Members

Theodora Pappas, Principal

Melissa Pratchard, Office Manager

Erika Austen, Teacher

Scarlet Fivey, Teacher

Edy Fairbanks, Teacher

Parent Members

Tina Khajevandi

Phillip Bernard

Kortney Riddle

Krista Roberts

Juana Collymore

Erin Kerrigan

Jessica Berejkoff, Alternate