Looking for help before or after school? Here are a few local daycare options:
The YMCA daycare facility is on site and their phone number and email address appears below. Also listed are phone numbers for daycare providers close to Valhalla Elementary. It is always recommended that you do your own background check on these daycares. We can’t recommend anybody in particular, but the providers are all close to Valhalla, and may pick their students up on campus.
Daycare Centers:
Child Time (925) 947-6800 (bus pickup)
Stepping Stones (925) 933-6520
YMCA (925) 674-1676 (on site) (have a TK program that provides care until 2:45pm)
Site Director Julie Mendenhall: jmendenhall@ymcaeastbay.org
Child Care Director Vicki Coster: vcoster@ymcaeastbay.org
Kidtime (925) 930-6550 (bus pickup)
In-Home Daycare Providers:
Sandi Bonnell (925) 357-7651 (corner of Kiki Dr and Stugun Ct)
Laura Nunes Slininger (925) 586-4671 (corner of Odin Dr and Kiki Dr)
Farideh’s Childcare (925) 231-5924 (near Muir Rd and Morello Ave)
Afaf Dayeh will just drop off/pick up from student homes to/from school, no care (925) 408-5890